Sunday, August 3, 2014

Empower Network - LAST CHANCE!

I've sent you a series of emails, and if you haven't acted yet, I
can't do anything for you. But I guarantee you - if you DO act,
there's a whole lot I CAN do for you.

The reality of this all, is that while you're at work, I'm sleeping
in, planning my next vacation, relaxing in my huge, brand new home,
enjoying one of my luxury and sport vehicles, shopping on a Monday
morning while you're stuck in rush hour traffic - just to do it the
next 4 or 5 days.
Every day is a weekend day for me!

This is reality for me, and I want to make it reality for you
at any age.

This is my last email to you. You either want it or you don't. If
you don't, you need knocked upside the head! If you DO want this
lifestyle, you need to join me in Empower Network.

Really, the only thing I do on ANY day, is check email to see how
much money I've made. Generally $2k-$5k on any given day.

Of course I spend some time answering emails and giving support to
people such as yourself, but that takes just a few minutes a day.

My ads go out automatically, people visit my site automatically,
and they convert to sales, passively and automatically. I'm setting
up, FOR YOU, the same tools as myself to GIVE you the same

If you want a change you have to make a change. Change can be
uncomfortable because we're not used to it. But when you get that
uneasy feeling that change brings, let it excite you, because that's
the first sign of something better coming in your life!

Whether you join me in business or not, I'm letting you in on a
secret - the only way to live the life you really want is to be in
business for yourself.

Exchanging hours for dollars and encountering the daily grind every
day won't deliver for you. Maybe my style isn't for you, and maybe
Empower Network isn't for you -- but I'm telling you on a personal level, a
home-based business is one of the only 'things' that WILL deliver
what you want.

I've been in TONS of businesses -- Empower Network is the only one that
has held my attention... probably because it is the only one that
has filled my bank account the most and sent me money passively with
those oh-so-nice matching bonuses.

You only get one life - you might as well live it to the fullest.
That's what I'm doing. I encourage you to do the same.

Empower Network is extremely easy to do. I'm no genius, I just know how to
market and I market for you as well.. It's just a matter of getting
people to your website and letting the system work itself.

The more traffic = more sales = more money in your pocket.

The only way to change your life is to take immediate action. Here
is your last chance to make a change.

And let's make that change happen
today. Remember - I don't leave your side until you have an income
with Empower Network that blows away your current one!

I live the life most middle-aged people only dream of. I've transformed
hundreds of family's incomes already -- guaranteed I'll be transforming
thousands more.

I'll talk to you soon!

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