October 22, 2010 by STONE
While many people make a good living from network marketing, many more fail. There are many reasons for this unfortunate situation. Sometimes it is only because they don’t try hard enough or quit before it would be technically possible to see results. However another important thing to realize is that they may not know what to do.
That is why your more successful network marketing professionals are paying more attention to training and collaboration within their own organizations. Just psychologically it helps to be accountable to someone. It is all too easy as your ‘own boss’ to procrastinate. However, if you have a good leader or a team that is counting on your participation, it can go a long way toward furthering your cause, which is to succeed.
People learn in different ways. Some will learn best by hearing, some by reading, and some by doing things hands on with guidance. Some network marketing programs will have documentation in the form of FAQs and that is all they provide in addition to the content on the website and/or sales page itself. Others have training guides online and lately a lot of videos.
When any or all of the above is combined with live, interactive web conferences it will cover a lot more techniques and options that will be compelling. In this environment people can ask questions and make comments and suggestions that the entire group can benefit from. The leader can demonstrate and present the material so that they are clear to everyone in one way or another.
There are some aspects of network marketing where different skills and talent will come into play. One of the least technical and most natural would be talking to a prospect on the phone. Yet this is very difficult for most people to do starting out and it may be where they fail simply because they have an aversion to it and don’t do it, or they say the wrong thing. Reading from a script just doesn’t seem natural unless you are a telemarketer.
The very fact of hearing discussions that relate to the company and the process by real people in a web conference environment should help them learn to carry on a conversation that will be natural and interesting and can help them to build confidence that they can do it. Of course everything gets better with practice.