Tuesday, November 9, 2010


October 22, 2010 by STONE

While many people make a good living from network marketing, many more fail. There are many reasons for this unfortunate situation. Sometimes it is only because they don’t try hard enough or quit before it would be technically possible to see results. However another important thing to realize is that they may not know what to do.
That is why your more successful network marketing professionals are paying more attention to training and collaboration within their own organizations. Just psychologically it helps to be accountable to someone. It is all too easy as your ‘own boss’ to procrastinate. However, if you have a good leader or a team that is counting on your participation, it can go a long way toward furthering your cause, which is to succeed.
People learn in different ways. Some will learn best by hearing, some by reading, and some by doing things hands on with guidance. Some network marketing programs will have documentation in the form of FAQs and that is all they provide in addition to the content on the website and/or sales page itself. Others have training guides online and lately a lot of videos.
When any or all of the above is combined with live, interactive web conferences it will cover a lot more techniques and options that will be compelling. In this environment people can ask questions and make comments and suggestions that the entire group can benefit from. The leader can demonstrate and present the material so that they are clear to everyone in one way or another.
There are some aspects of network marketing where different skills and talent will come into play. One of the least technical and most natural would be talking to a prospect on the phone. Yet this is very difficult for most people to do starting out and it may be where they fail simply because they have an aversion to it and don’t do it, or they say the wrong thing. Reading from a script just doesn’t seem natural unless you are a telemarketer.
The very fact of hearing discussions that relate to the company and the process by real people in a web conference environment should help them learn to carry on a conversation that will be natural and interesting and can help them to build confidence that they can do it. Of course everything gets better with practice.


October 24, 2010 by STONE

The most basic of network marketing tips will always be about building relationships. That is the only way to differentiate this fine art from offensive telemarketing and spam. It will help you to realize that ‘networking’ is about getting to know people and letting them get to know you.
Relationship building works a lot better than in-your-face sales techniques that are so easy to say ‘no thanks’ to (in fact where you can’t wait for them to take a breath so you can interject a ‘no’ so they will stop). People are much more likely to do business with someone they are familiar with and who use a little finesse in approaching them.
In the 1980’s where the art of ‘networking’ in person was being discussed, they emphasized not to be obviously exploitive; even to the point of not mentioning anything about business or your agenda on the first meeting. The only thing you were advised to do was give them a card. Then you might phone them a few days later and invite them to lunch or approach them about your ideas in a discreet manner.
While Internet marketing of course is not usually in person, the same principles, with a little tweaking might apply. For example if you invite them to comment on your blog and then start a dialogue, or you have a site that offers them a report that might help them for free, and then contact them a few days after you deliver the report to ask them what they thought of it.
Another of the major network marketing tips that is related to the Internet environment is one about how to get the best leads. If you understood the concepts above, then you will realize that buying lists of anonymous email addresses is not the best approach. Not to mention the fact that you will likely have a very low return on your investment.
It is best to have a list of people who have expressed an interest and come to you for information, rather than the other way around, where you are giving them information they may not be interested in. You want to create the best atmosphere that is conducive to business before you approach someone.


http://onlinemillionaireworld24.vemma.com/October 25, 2010 by STONE

Network marketing is starting to become a popular approach in not only gaining a network base but also in gaining new prospects who may be showing interest in the product you’re trying to promote. Even if you aren’t promoting a product and may just be promoting yourself, you can still become successful with this method alone because it involves creating a close network base that you’ll stay connected with. This marketing method alone has helped people make a full-time income online to the point that they mainly retire. You’re not guaranteed to make millions overnight, but you can over time make enough to live comfortably.
The one tool that is drastically helping people with network marketing is social networking sites. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc. tend to have an option to locate members based on their interests or whatever they may “like”. Be careful as you don’t want to come across as being a spammer to them with unwanted contact. Just make sure that you give a first message impression if you decide on messaging that person. If anything, make sure you brush up on your online etiquette before you go about scouting people to be a part of your network so that you don’t come off as someone who’s just using them for money. You also don’t want sites banning you or deleting your profile because of your skills either. Fortunately, there are sites such as Direct Matches that are catered to help you find networks alone without having to risk your account.
This marketing method alone can be quite lucrative if you stay within the boundaries of finding people with the same interests as yours. It will be hard at first only because it’ll take you getting out of your comfort zone and having to actually explain to people why they should become a part of your network and also why they should give thought on what you’re promoting. Rejection will definitely happen so make sure that you are prepared for it. When it does come, just keep searching for other prospects as there is someone out there who may even benefit from what you’re offering.


October 26, 2010 by STONE
Network marketing can be a successful home based business if you invest enough patience and effort. Promotion is also a key factor for increasing the earnings. Take your time to study the market and differentiate your marketing business. There is a high competition and you need to be well informed.
A successful network marketer should be able to recruit other members. Try to select the best people for your team. Learn how to be a good leader. The important thing is to communicate with your team. Make sure they know exactly what they have to do. Let them know that you are willing to answer any questions they might have. The more people you have, the more money you can earn. However, you will discover that only some of the members are willing to invest their time. You need to focus more on those people.
To recruit people you need to make them understand the benefits they can have. It’s important to be a good leader. First of all they need to trust you. Your members should be very enthusiastic. As a leader, you need to convey all the details of the internet marketing business. A good idea would be to provide training for your agents. This will help them understand better the business goals.
Set up a realistic goal and start working for it. The next step is to make a list with all the steps you need to take in order to achieve success with your network marketing business. Patience is important because it can take a long time until you can earn a living as a network marketer. For promotion you can even use your own website. Another advertising method is through forums or message boards. You can also use article marketing to increase your earnings.
Use any method you can find to advertise your network marketing business. It’s also possible to do offline promotion. Create some interesting flyers and posters. Ask your friends and family for their support. Newsletter campaigns are also very useful. If you want to achieve success you need to treat network marketing like a real business


October 30, 2010 by STONE

In these days of online worlds, network marketing is more important than ever. Videos or news can go viral in a matter of minutes or seconds with the power of the internet. Some people have forgotten the best way to market themselves or their products is by simple word of mouth.
Network marketing is simply marketing by working with those you know already and connecting with potential future partners. One way this can work is if you have an affiliate program. This is a way for people to help others learn about your product without you actually making the initial contact. Using your network of friends, family, business contacts and partners can help you to promote your product or services.
Some people have actually confused this with the old pyramid scheme. Network marketing is not that at all. This is simply a way of marketing your brand or service to people that you may have otherwise not made contact with. One example of this is your social networks. Using sites like Facebook or Twitter can help you to reach thousands around the world that may not have known you have a great product or service to offer.
Harness the power of the internet and your network to market your product and increase your sales. This will take patience and dedication but you can see results. Know that network marketing is a great way to get your name out there. An example of people who tend to do this are self employed individuals or those who are in a direct selling company. Those who want to sell their products that may not be well known will use these methods to help increase the knowledge of their product. This has helped many to grow their businesses more than they ever thought.
Learn how to network market and how to use it to help your business grow. You can see results when putting this into practice and working it. Learn from others who are around you and have seen the results that this can bring. Find out how they have done this and how you can get started


October 31, 2010 by STONE
Network marketing can be helpful if you have a new business or product that’s just coming out. It can be effective if you stay in touch with the ones who are helping you market your brand out to prospective customers. Marketers have made millions with this method alone, but usually people don’t tell you how much they’ve spent in order to achieve that. If you’re considering on becoming a network marketer yourself, keep in mind that you will have to put yourself out there so if you’re a private and reserved person, then this definitely may not be the right marketing method for you.
Network marketing is used both online and offline. Many people tend to get their sales from offline methods moreso than online methods. If you’re trying to network market solely online, you have to get in top with the news and even the seasons. One effective offline method that people use is cold calling places. You may get some rejections, but you’ll also get someone to at least take your brand into consideration. It helps to also know people and have them get the word out – which is the entire point of network marketing offline.
If you’re solely trying to do business online, network marketing can prove effective too. One way to go about is to join a network marketing site called DirectMatches. It’s mainly like a social networking site for business marketers and you can also make commission for people who join and get a membership. It’s a nice business opportunity to get yourself acquainted with many people and to also learn about other people’s businesses. There are even group conferences you can join and you may even find other ways to make money online besides marketing.
At first marketing may seem difficult especially since the Internet is so big, but you would want to start at sites such as Ezine Articles to read up on some marketing skills. There are plenty of marketing forums online that you can join too to gain more networkers and also to gain more experience. The methods are pretty much endless.


November 1, 2010 by STONE 

If you have been looking into starting a home-based business through network marketing, many of the ways to make more money are by getting more people on your team. There are also companies that offer you financial freedom based on what you are capable of selling. The most common way, however, is by getting as many sales as you can. There are many ways you can sell your item, but there are also many mistakes that salesmen make.
One of the biggest mistakes is that the person selling the product talks too much. Rather than going on and on about your product to begin with, ask questions that will make your prospective buyer or potential team-mate do most of the talking. It is easier to determine which way they are leaning by letting them speak rather than you doing all the talking.
Another mistake that is made often is over-selling the business. In other words, they talk too big about the company and the product. Be as honest as possible and let your potential partners or buyers know they will not become rich overnight. When you are honest about how long it may take to get the income, they will not quit out of frustration.
Do not talk down to the prospect or run another company down by saying yours is so much better. Be humble and respect your competition. Believe in your product and don’t be shy to boast about its benefits, but remember to not go overboard.
If you believe in the products you are selling and the company that you are working for, it will easy for you to bring other salesmen onto your team or get your products sold. Using the products yourself is a great way for you to know the products, know what they can and cannot do, and people are always more apt to buy something that they see works for someone else. When you begin to consider network marketing, choose the companies that you know and have used their products. Think about this—would you buy vitamins from a person who doesn’t believe in taking supplements? Probably not.


November 2, 2010 by STONE

When looking at network marketing, many people can become overwhelmed or disillusioned by what it is and what it can do for you. Many have the lofty dreams of growing their businesses overnight. While some may seem that way, network marketing is not a get rich quick plan. This will take time and work from you over a few years. Most people say you can plan for it to take three to five years to see the kind of results you are wanting out of your business.
So why use network marketing? Network marketing is a way of advertising to help you sell more products and services and gain more customers over time. You must know up front that this plan is one that you must work and take care of like the business it is. Don’t be fooled by the sites out there that say you can become rich over night with their plan. This is not the absolute truth. You can see profits grow and money start coming in but it takes time and dedication to your plan.
Network marketing is basically word of mouth advertising. You work with a group of people to help you get the word out about your product. This helps by having people who you will never meet get to know about your product through others networks. For example, a friend of yours gets into your network marketing campaign. They have 2000 friends on their list of contacts. These are 2000 people you may have never met without the help of your friend or associate telling them about you.
Network marketing is a great way to advertise your product, brand or services by utilizing the opportunities given to you by your friends and associates. You do need to understand that this will take time so don’t quit your day job just yet. Work this like the business it is and you can realistically see the results you are looking for over a period of time. There are companies out there that can help you get started if you choose to. Get tied in with others that have seen the results of network marketing and allow them to mentor you to success